I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. Accordingly, in the very “trial” the Lord considers what we can endure, so as not to proceed beyond measure and, at the same time, by the secret influence of his Spirit, he makes those punishments to be profitable to us which would otherwise have been destruction. Chastisement itself would undoubtedly bring out nothing that is pure. He adds that he does not “try us like silver,” because we should be altogether consumed for “silver” contains something that is pure, but in us nothing will be found but chaff and even if God did not make us “silver,” we should be reduced, like chaff or stubble, to ashes and to nothing. The Prophet therefore comes forward early to meet this objection, and points out that, although God does not permit his people altogether to go free, yet he deals gently with them.Īnd not like silver. Besides, it is by way of anticipation that he mentions the “trial,” lest any one should object that God’s forbearance did not, at all appear amidst such severe afflictions.

Since therefore he has this end in view, it follows that he makes provision for our salvation. He now declares that he does indeed lay stripes upon them, but of such a nature as to be serviceable to them for it is for the purpose of “proving and trying” that he chastises them, and we “prove” that which we do not wish to be lost. Formerly he had said that he had spared or would spare them, because he had regard to his glory. The Lord shews that he exercises such moderation in chastising his people, that he makes provision for their salvation.