The “disbudding box” is essential for keeping the kids relatively still and CALM during the process! Here’s an easy to build plan from ‘Better Hens and Gardens’ for one (the picture below shows the finished box with their goat, Ruby, inside serving as a model). Rather than The Hubs latching onto the kids with his ‘death grip & stranglehold’ - which is probably more frightening to the kids than the actual act of disbudding…gasp! - we used a disbudding box.
My NEW disbudding box features a Hoegger designed head piece which provides you full control and a broad base for safely supporting your hand and securing the kid’s head during disbudding. I also dont have anykind of system tray with Caprine 2.45.0. Note: Please contact AGW for guidance if you wish to disbud using caustic paste. This year, The Hubs, made me a ‘kid disbudding box’ which is an invaluable tool for disbudding and tattooing baby goats. 9 Recommended Caustic paste disbudding should not be used for kids.

Horns are safely removed when the kids are babies - from a few days to a week or two, depending on the breed and the rate of growth of the ‘horn bud’ - using a process called “disbudding” (see “ Disbudding Goats” for more on this). Most people don’t want their goats to have horns (4H goat projects typically do not ‘allow’ horns, so check with your 4H Club first). Both bucks (males) and does (females) have horns. Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. For meat, youll need to breed to have a constant supply of. Kid must be restrained (in your arms or a holding box) for a half hour after paste is app. If you have a dairy herd, youll need to breed your goats routinely to keep them in milk production.

Paste can damage animals if not used properly. Will do a satisfactory job if used carefully and according to directions. The iron comes with a 5 Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. Caustic paste for disbudding kids or calves.

Its lightweight yet sturdy, economical to use, and it comes with a tip suitable to disbud goat kids. Disbudding is probably the least favorite ‘chore’ of raising dairy goats! In fact, most people are surprised to learn that most goat kids (except the few that are naturally polled, that is ‘ hornless‘) start growing horns a few days after they’re born. Our propane powered disbudding iron lets you use it anywhere because you dont need electricity. Container: a box or crate designed, constructed, equipped and maintained for the shipment of animals, suitable for the species (i.e., allows animal to stand.